ноември 10, 2022


Човечество на кръстопът: между технофилския солуционизъм и имплицитната етика

Silvia Mineva, Desislava Vasileva: Humanity at a Crossroads: Between Technophilic Solutionism and Implicit Ethics Abstract - The paper presents the global changes provoked by the exponential technological expansion and its ambiguity as a factor of global threats and planetary risks - environmental crises, military competition, digital slavery, etc. The main conclusion is that in order to deal with technological risks, we need to rethink the individualistic values, group-private interests and market relations that dominate today in the ideas of the common good and humanity at the expense of care about the humanity in human beings, nature and justice in society. Keywords - technophilic solutionism, implicit ethics digital slavery, Industry 4.0, digital creatures, global crises .