“Cyberecology” is the first Bulgarian magazine dedicated to a new and little known to Bulgarian (and not just them) readers issue – the description and discussion of different phenomena, formed under the influence of the modern dynamic development of communication technologies, electronic media and interactive forms and practices of communication, knowledge and sharing of contents in the conditions of the global electronic/computer networks, chats, forums, corporative sites, blogs. The focus is on phenomena such as virtual reality, virtual control, trans active memory, body design, dismorphophobia, cyber space, cyberterrorism, cyberwars, cyber anthropology, online practices, social networks and media, blog space, Internet etiquette etc. Most of these phenomena still haven’t received focused interdisciplinary research with resources and methods of the humanitarian, social and informational sciences.
The creation of the magazine is a result of the ideas and efforts of a research team, comprised of teachers, PhD students and graduates of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, who from 2013 up to now have been working on a project with the topic “Ecology of the virtual realities”, with the support of the sector for scientific research activity of Sofia University. The project is aimed at articulating the many functions, effects and opportunities, which today provide to its various mass consumers the virtual world of cyberspace, its influences and consequences for cognitive discourses, worldviews and behaviors of modern people as customers of information, consumers of experiences and participants in the globalized communication processes.
As part of the project, the magazine aims to assure publicity for authors, scientific research texts, relevant information materials, commentaries, analysis, messages, programs, projects related to the topic, as well as an opportunity for discussions about various educational, scientific, philosophical and social questions and tendencies, in relation to their cyber ecological perspective.