ISSN 2534-9171         ИК “Глаголица” - България

Тerms for publication

The magazine is created as a periodical edition with a popular science profile and open access, coming out every four months.

Texts in both Bulgarian and English languages are published, without any publication tax.

The materials offered for publications need to be in the subject area of cyber ecology.

Materials must not exceed the volume of 15 standard pages.

  • The file must begin with the surname of the author.
  • The text format must be: Windows, Rich Text Format, Times New Romans. Size: 12; Alignment: Justified; spacing between lines – Single.
  • An abstract in Bulgarian up to 150 words
  • Keywords in Bulgarian from 6 to 8
  • An abstract in English from 150 to 200 words
  • Keywords in English from 6 to 8
  • Citations to be exported into notes under a line with consecutive numbering.
  • Used and quoted literature is to be presented separately at the end of the text in the following format in alphabetical order:
  • Book: Botterweck, Y. G. (2001).Theological dictionary of the Old Testament, Vol. XI., p. 607.
  • Article/Chapter in collection: Feez, S. (2002). Heritage and innovation in second language education. In A. Johns (Ed.), Genres in the Classroom (pp. 43-72). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Article in a magazine: Wood, D., Bruner, J. S., G. Ross. (1976). The role of tutoring in problem solving. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 17, 89-100.
  • Electronic sources: Gо, F., М. Trunfio, A. (2014) Cultural Hybridization Approach to Reinterpreting the Integration-Diversity Dichotomy: The Case of Guggenheims Master Branding Bilbao. European Journal of Cross–Cultural Competence and Management. Forth coming papers. 16.10.2014
  • Applications are sent to the email: